Cheers To Everlasting Love

Two souls synchronizing
the imperfections
of characteristics charted
in love’s catalogue.

Imperfection leads
to perfect practice
of existing sweethearts.

An instrument produces
enhancements of romance
where communication
is the cable
the battery of amplifications
as cupid uses his arrow
driving on the ravishing road
while simultaneously charging this battery.

Enchanting parades
for ordinary days
identical to milestone anniversaries
as we shower each other with affection,
cleansing assumptions
and doubts are the bowel movements
in our stomachs
defining two souls synchronizing
for a connection,

solid like a boulder
or a man’s shoulders
exercising deltoids
where the detachment of caressing
that was once possessed
by the hands of fornication
is a sin mitigated
by lifting
weights in the gym of everlasting marriages.

Our Love

Repetition of love

as it translates to a rhythmical meaning

at first sight


rainwater subdues

the drought in my heart

as it produces an afterglow

that shines the dark

and debugs the poison

where in exchange

the roots of deep affection

masters its elevation.

How To Save Your Marriage(Part 8)

If you think your marriage is unsolvable, think again.

Don’t let your marriage be destroyed. If your marriage is in danger of separation or divorce, email me at “” to set up an appointment. I’m a specialist in marriage rescue and I’m here to help you learn how to save your marriage.

My motivation is to help you determine if this workshop is right for your particular situation. I also offer solutions for couples who can’t attend the workshop.

Before reading this, please read How To Save Your Marriage (Part 7) and How To Have A Good Sex Life In Your Marriage first.

10 Ways To Save Your Marriage

1) Dates Not required. As a man, once you marry your wife, tell her that dates are not necessary. Dates cost too much money, dates can cause asthma attacks, and can cause weight gain.

2) Being Affectionate is not required. Being affectionate can increase the chances of neglecting your children, increases the chance of being hurt emotionally, and you will imagined as a weak person.

3) Have limits on sexual intercourse. Sex on a regularly basis is impossible. If your spouse want to have sex on a regular basis, politely ask for a divorce. Sex will increase the chances of catching a stroke. Sex is like a roller coaster, you enjoy it more when you are a teenager. If you are over 25, and you want sex on a regular basis, then you may to seek help immediately because your energy is abnormal.

4) Parents should be involved more. As a woman, once you marry your husband, either allow your mother or your husbands mother to live with you for five years so you can be taught on how to be a good wife. As a man, for the first five years of marriage, you and your wife must sleep in separate beds because separation will destroy the lust in your bodies. The hunger for lust leads to trap with serpents.

5). The wife should never cook. As a man, never allow your wife to cook. As a man, we need to appreciate and respect women more. We need more women leaders and more women presidents. Women cooking is so traditional. Women should come home to a home cooked and allow the man to make all the meals and do the laundry.

6) The wife should pay 95% of the bills. Women are now more independent compared to women 50 years ago. As men, we need to learn from our women. So as men, lets all stick together and push for more stronger independent women by encouraging them to find careers with 6 figure salaries so they can pay all the bills.

7) Allow Freedom. Your spouse does not need to know your work schedule. It is not necessary for your spouse to know what time you will be coming home every night. When you tell your spouse everything, the marriage becomes predictable in which makes the marriage boring.

8). Your children comes first always. This is a big one because some people believe that their spouse comes first. Real shit, if you believe this

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9) Don’t be afraid to try an open marriage. Make sure to talk about protection, remain flexible, and don’t treat your secondary partner like a second class partner. Sex with the same person get boring

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Most people don’t want to admit it because they are judgmental, refuse to accept the truth, and allow what others think about them affect them in a bad way. Be honest with yourself, you know traditional sex is tedious. Porn is a very helpful factor for marriages. Now I get it, porn is not something that most be should be proud of, I get that, but here me out. The divorce rate in this generation is over 50%. People now are more liberal compare to the people 50 years. Liberals get bored a lot faster than a conservative. A secondary sex partner is better because you don’t have to worry about lying and being sneaky to your partner and your secondary partner will make you appreciate your spouse 10 times more. How many celebrities you know that cheated on their spouse, got caught, but still worked out their problems. If Hillary Clinton still stayed with her husband, then you can too.

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10) Eating requirements. Once dinner is made, you and your spouse should eat at separate times. The wife should eat first, wash her plate in the sink, than the husband eats and wash his plate in the sink. Also make sure that in the summer time you have a powerful AC in the house because both the husband and wife should be clothed as much as possible. Shorts should not be allowed in the house because the more skin that’s visible, the easier it is for the demon of lust will enter your household and destroy your marriage.

Comment below and tell me what it is that your spouse is doing that is putting your marriage at jeopardy so I can provide you with the best solution to avoid a divorce.

How To Have A Successful First Date?(My method will guarantee a way to avoid a situationship.)

I want to thank all of you for supporting my post “,How To Save Your Marriage?“. I am writing a book and I would encourage you all to buy a copy of my book. Please click on the link to get a preview of the tips I provided about saving marriages.

In this post, I will be providing some of the best first date tips for men. I decided to write this because first dates are very nerve wrecking(especially for a guy that lacks confidence).

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First Date Tips For Men:

  1. Lateness

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Make sure you show up late on the first date. Lateness is the number one way that will guarantee you a second date. Make sure you are at least 30 minutes late. Being on time makes you look like a square and showing up more than 2 minutes early is completely disrespectful.

2. Compliments

Image result for don't compliment your girl

Now you see this meme? This meme is on point. Do not compliment your date whatsoever. You date has received millions of compliments over the years. If you want to stand out and get that second date, the conversation must be serious at all times to let her know you are about business and do not flirt with her whatsoever.

3. Relationships

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At the first date tell your date that you don’t believe in relationships and that this country lives off the principle of freedom of privacy . This means that staying single until you die is the way of life like the circle of life in Lion King. Explain to your date that friendship last longer than relationships. Relationships are complicated and Marriage is suicide. Date for friendship and keep it at that so that way you can see other people and not have to worry about being tied down to one person.

4. Sex

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Now this is for those of you that will not listen to number 3 and will decide to pursue a commitment anyway. For those of you that will listen and apply number 3 to your dating experience, skip to number 5. This don’t apply to you. Now for the rest of you that are hardheaded, this is your backup plan so don’t fuck this up. Lie to your new girlfriend and let her know that you are virgin. Tell her that you plan to wait until marriage. Tell her that no tongue kissing, caressing and holding hands will be allowed until marriage. Women prefer to wait until marriage to have sex and this will let your girlfriend know that you will respect her privacy. Remember that a good relationship is based on lies. When you tell the truth, the relationship will slowly get destroyed like a women’s vagina from having sex with a man with a lot of stamina.

I will upload part 2 in about 2 weeks. Please comment below and tell me if I should write a book. Please for those of you that follow me, please share this with your other fellow bloggers!

When Love Is Not Lasting

What’s the matter?
What’s the confusion?
It’s suppose to last forever
so why this conclusion?
Incorrect hypothesis
lead to an unsolved mystery.
Murder in the 1st degree
a relationship is just another casualty.
Everyday love is found
Everyday love is lost.
Some days, love is peaceful
Some days, love is at war.
Some days are heaven
Some days feel like
the battle of Armageddon.
Victory we seek
but not guaranteed
because only one choice is worthy
out of two outcomes.
Romantic relations arrive
like weekly income
but most can’t manage to save it
and make it last.
Disagreements and arguments
are more ruthless, leading
to hurt feelings
but yet on Instagram,
the smiles wide
like Cumulonimbus clouds
in the sky.
Deep inside the cloud
it’s defined as a nimbostratus.
Dark raining cloud above
your relationship
gave you a complicated status.
We try to demonstrate hood actions
but disagreements hold more weight
since agreements is light
like a feather
and yet the weather is bright
How ironic right?
Sometimes things are not meant to be
Maybe because love is preexisting,
Meaning your heart is a hard drive
with a partition that’s stored with memories
of previous love letters and romantic dates
images of a previous face.
You refuse to erase the data stored
and don’t have much space
for a new face.



Can you comment below and list at least one double entendre I provided?




I have an episode that I will be uploading tonight on my Podcast.

Name of the upcoming episode will be “Sex on the First Date“.

On this episode, I will be explaining, my opinion about sex on the first date, why I believe people have sex on the first date and do I recommend people to have sex on the first date?






My Love Is Everlasting

I can save your soul
and love you 1000 ways
I adore you like gold
You’ll forever dwell in 1st place
You are my trophy
and I have made space
Inside my heart
which is home
where I provide space
for your precious face
which imitates a diamond
shine like police sirens.
A sweet taste
of your breast
on my tounge
Your the Colgate
that santazies
my gums
and keep me healthy
like plums.
Our differences mix
together well
like rum
in apple cider.
like shells
on the beach
when united together.
No matter the weather
A dark storm or bright sunlight
its always a bright day
and I love the smile on your face.
and I plan to keep it that way.
I look tough but my love for you
is more than enough.
I love you more than life.
I will love you until the day I die.
Like a plane in the sky,
I feel high.
Relaxed and feel like I’m
in a different zone, different world
but my lungs is healthy
heart full of love.
I provide entertainment and
you love to watch me
like a sitcom.

Valentine’s Day Poem

Watch this video first before reading the rest of this post! This is a good video to watch on Valentine’s Day!

This one is for all the bloggers on wordpress. I dedicate this poem to every blogger because it takes hardwork ,dedication, passion to blog. Blogging by any means is not easy. Staying up late night, thinking of ways to improve your blog, figuring out how to relate to bloggers, trying to be creative. Some of you may relate, but blogging can be an addiction when trying so hard relating to others. Comparing to other blogs and feeling like your blog isn’t good enough. Sometimes you want to give up blogging. Or you could be in the position where blogging is the only time you feel at peace because you are depressed in life. I read a lot of depressing, heartbroken blogs. To those of you that are miserable in life but still continue to blog, keep writing because I am here to support and provide feedback and I love your work. Never be afraid to express yourself because I always love to hear what’s in a person mind and heart. For those of you that know me, Ya know I don’t give a fuck, I wrote some of the darkest shit such as rape, murder, suicide, heartbreaks, perverted shit, sex poems, poverty, rage, and hate. I won’t lie to you, my dark poems is reality. This is the stuff that goes on in my head but you know what though, I’m not afraid to talk about it because no matter how hard my life gets, I love God and when I think of Valentine’s Day, I think of God. God is more powerful than anything.

The lord is love

Power from above

Is enough

And more powerful

than 1000 hugs.

I almost shed tears

When seeking 2 love birds


On my WordPress

Madly in love.

Marriage and relationships

Is always tough.

Times get rough.

Arguments are always guaranteed.

Sometimes we don’t always think

Before we speak.

We hurt feelings

We cause problems

But only a few create solutions

Solutions rise above

And problems fall at the bottom.

Prior to 2018,

I never gave a fuck about Valentine’s Day

But I am more mature today.

Valentine’s Day is not about money and materialistic things.

It’s about celebrating friends and family.

I am not affectionate

but I have a girlfriend and I love her dearly.

After viewing some of the lovely Valentine’s day posts

About spouses and significant others

I just want to tell Tiffanee

That I love her dearly.

I will do whatever I got to do

To protect her from everything.

I know that sounds impossible

I will damn sure make the impossible, possible.

I love you and I always will.

For my long term bloggers that been following me

Since day 1,

You know that I write some very dark shit.
I admit my mind can travel in dark places

And I can get very personal

But I have a big heart

And I love each and every one of you

For supporting me.

Ya give me the strength to write.

Ya give me the strength to fight.

Ya give me the strength to be a better poet.

Ya give me the strength to expose dark places.

In my mind.

I’m one of a kind

And one day when I shine

I will never forget my followers.

Each and every one of you deserves flowers.

For my male followers that have wives/girlfriends,

Treat your lady like

The way you want your daughter to be treated.

Protect her and be a leader and provider.

Tell her why you fell in love with her.

Tell her that you will always love her.

For my female followers that have husbands/boyfriends

Treat your man like

How you want your son to be treated.

Support him and appreciate him for being a provider.

Being a man that’s a provider and protector

Is a big responsibility

so be his helper and help him lead.

To all the single people,

Love don’t come from a relationship.

Love is provided to from Jesus

A significant other is not needed

For happiness.

I want single women to love themselves

And impress and spoil themselves.

Stop settling for situationships

From men that use devious tactics

And false disguises

Pretending to have feelings

when in reality treat your vagina

like an inmate that’s state property.

I want single men

To not let women with extreme high standards

Make you feel less like a man.

You are a man

And focus on your plan.

Don’t let pussy be a distraction

And stop letting women trick you into tricking

If you and her are not committed.

Because money attracts

But true love slowly contracts

The love that gives roots towards evil

True love is plentiful.

To everybody reading this

God bless you

And I love you!

My next post will be poem called “My Seductive Next Door Neighbor” and I looking to upload this by Sunday or Monday

How To Get A Good Wife

On my previous post, A blogger commented on my post and gave me this blog topic to write about. I thought this was a good topic to write about. I am grateful for her comment and if she happens to read this, I just want to say thank you for reading my previous post and giving me this idea.
This brief post is about how a man can get a good wife, how to make himself more attractive to attract a good woman to marry, and things to consider before he marries a good woman.
Before choosing a wife, men must understand that women are different. The way you talk and act around your friends, will not be the same way you talk and act around your wife. Sometimes men focus on visual things such as sex and physical beauty. Now physical beauty and sex is somewhat important but that should not the highest pritiory when engaging in a long term relationship that could lead to marriage.
So I’m going to list a few things to take into consideration before making your girlfriend become your wife.
1) Does she really love you?
Actions speak louder than words. A good wife is going to accept you for who you are and she is not going to try and change your personality. Now there is no problem at all for a wife trying to get her husband to try out new things and be outgoing but at the same time, she should accept him and love him for who he is.
2) Is she educated?
Now as far as education, she doesn’t have to have a PHD. Hell to be honest, she doesn’t need to have a bachelor’s degree but at least marry a woman that is versatile and can speak to you about various topics. Also want to marry a woman that has goals and ambition. Marry somebody that you can learn from. So another words even though I recommend a college degree, you don’t need a college degree to be successful and intelligent.
3) Does she have good upbringing?
Before you marry your girlfriend, make sure she has manners. Don’t marry somebody that is rude and has a temper. When she is around her family, pay close attention to how she interacts with her family. She should be polite and respectful towards her parents. Also as well, pay close attention to how her family interacts with you as well because when you marry the woman of your dreams, in a way you are marrying her family because you are going to be around with her family as well.
4) Present yourself and be a leader?
Be your own man and make mature decisions. Be responsible. Don’t be afraid to speak up. Don’t be oblivious towards your surroundings. A good woman that wants to be a good wife to a good husband wants to marry a man that makes her feels safe. A good woman don’t want to marry a little ass boy. A good woman want to marry a man that’s dominant and know how to take charge. Now I’m going to break down being dominant and being in charge. Being in charge don’t mean that you boss your wife around and treat her like a little girl. You don’t criticize or belittle your wife. You don’t ignore her opinions when you and your girlfriend are having a disagreement. Also a good husband should never have to tell his wife ” I’m the one in charge and I’m the head” because a real leader takes charge naturally and he does it in a healthy way. A man shall let his wife have her freedom, not treat her like a prisoner. A good man takes charge by protecting his lady and making her feel safe and appreciate her for supporting him. A good man should love and find joy providing for his wife but also make sure to marry a woman that is not afraid and also can provide as well.

I could of add more but I’ll end it here. If you want, you can comment below if you got annything to add.

What Is Your Conclusion On Love?

Love is blind
Love is an illusion
Love is risky
and that’s the conclusion
Love is blind
Love is an illusion
Love is risky
and that’s an conclusion.

An unexpected occurance of an powerful spirit
beyond your average emotion
it must be tested.
We form an hypothesis when blind sighted
Eyes close or walking with a cane while
wearing a blindfold.
We seek everlasting peace
walking on a thin line rope
and the ocean below filled with sharks swim below
waiting for our downfall.
You see Cupid and he take his hand and reach
like a cashier giving a customer a receipt.
When you reach your hand out for help, he pulls back, transform to a demon and stab you with the pitchfork
Laughs and call you a dork.
Blood leaks below towards the sea
and you fall and become shark meat.

Love is blind
Love is an illusion
Love is risky
and that’s the conclusion
Love is blind
Love is an illusion
Love is risky
and that’s the conclusion.

Love is highbeams
that shines the eyes
so bright,
have no choice
but to close your eyes.
Driving towards the destination of love and your blind.
Lose control of the steering wheel and yet praying you don’t lose control.
Hoping you don’t crash but if you do, is it your fault?
Is love something you can control?
Is love something we can hear behind a closed door?
Is love something that comes inside when you open the door, or is love knocking on the door to tell you goodbye so love can move on?

Love is blind
Love is an illusion
Love is risky
and that’s the conclusion
Love is blind
Love is an illusion
Love is risky
and that’s the conclusion

Love is expressed through words
that build and destroy.
Love is priceless, but used like a toy
to play with a heart until it breaks.
Love is real and love is fake
when hate is real.
Love protects, but love is a risk.
Love heals you when your sick.
Love robs you when you rich.
Love is paradise, but love is hell.
Love keeps you focus, but love has a spell.
Love creates life, but love spreads a disease.
Love is contagious, does love ever sleep?
When you love somebody, do you wish for sleep?
When you love somebody, do you become sleepless?
When you love somebody, are you sleepwalking?
Can’t control where you walk, your imagination will lead you to your final destination.
Is the final destination Hell or Heaven?
Is the final destination a mansion or prison?
We form the hypothesis, but what’s your conclusion?
If you in love at this moment, you won’t know the affect of it until, you wake up from sleep walking

Love is blind
Love is an illusion
Love is risky
and that’s the conclusion
Love is blind
Love is an illusion
Love is risky
and that’s the conclusion

The Power Of Laughter

I dedicate this poem to Myth*. She is a fellow poetry blogger and her poetry is amazing. She solved one of my riddles so I requested that I would write this poem “The Power Of Laughter” for her.

Part of the human behavior
and regulated by the brain
Activities and funny stories
arises laughter
to laugh away real pain.
Laughter is green tea,
a medicine that heals
and makes the heart joyful.
Life is short
and we suppose to enjoy it
to the fullest.
Laugher for few minutes
will keep you sastfied for days.
Laughter is like good sex
that decrease stress hormones
in the brain.
Laugh like the joker,
Laugh like Santa
It’s your choose
Laugh however
and whenever
to stay happy forever.
Are you depressed?
Are you so stressed
that your lacking rest?
Why are you upset?
When was the last time
you laughed?
Relax and take a deep breathe
and watch a comedy.
Watch Martin Lawrence
and richard prior
to forget about all the bad things prior.
Laughter attracts,
and people around you
become attached
like a magnet
in a science experiment.
I laugh for days
since I sense pain miles away
Laughter is rain
that washes pain away
like the itsy bitsy spider.
Laughter is baby powder
that absorbs in my skin.
Laughter is powerful like a prayer
that forgives a sin.
Life is short
and we may skip a few lessons
but never miss out on a good laugh
because of a bad day
because bad times do pass
like gas.