Can’t satisfy my wife needs

Sex frightens me
Pussy gives me
the creeps
like its jeepers creepers.
I hate an agreesive chick
but I love a dick teaser.
A dick teasee is like a rollercoaster
because she make my heartpound
but they just tease.
Its all for fun, they mean no harm.
Pussy has never been my good luck charm.
I don’t know what to do with it.
I’m scared as shit.
I can’t obtain an erection and I have trouble finding the hole.
I have a small dick and that I have been told.
If I get married, if my wife want to conceive a child, she has to go to a sperm bank.
I have no ammo in the tank.
Her back, I can’t break.
I can’t put her to sleep, but I do have her leaving the house horny
every morning
and playing with her pussy
while I’m asleep because I can’t satisfy my wife needs.

How To Save Your Marriage(Part 8)

If you think your marriage is unsolvable, think again.

Don’t let your marriage be destroyed. If your marriage is in danger of separation or divorce, email me at “” to set up an appointment. I’m a specialist in marriage rescue and I’m here to help you learn how to save your marriage.

My motivation is to help you determine if this workshop is right for your particular situation. I also offer solutions for couples who can’t attend the workshop.

Before reading this, please read How To Save Your Marriage (Part 7) and How To Have A Good Sex Life In Your Marriage first.

10 Ways To Save Your Marriage

1) Dates Not required. As a man, once you marry your wife, tell her that dates are not necessary. Dates cost too much money, dates can cause asthma attacks, and can cause weight gain.

2) Being Affectionate is not required. Being affectionate can increase the chances of neglecting your children, increases the chance of being hurt emotionally, and you will imagined as a weak person.

3) Have limits on sexual intercourse. Sex on a regularly basis is impossible. If your spouse want to have sex on a regular basis, politely ask for a divorce. Sex will increase the chances of catching a stroke. Sex is like a roller coaster, you enjoy it more when you are a teenager. If you are over 25, and you want sex on a regular basis, then you may to seek help immediately because your energy is abnormal.

4) Parents should be involved more. As a woman, once you marry your husband, either allow your mother or your husbands mother to live with you for five years so you can be taught on how to be a good wife. As a man, for the first five years of marriage, you and your wife must sleep in separate beds because separation will destroy the lust in your bodies. The hunger for lust leads to trap with serpents.

5). The wife should never cook. As a man, never allow your wife to cook. As a man, we need to appreciate and respect women more. We need more women leaders and more women presidents. Women cooking is so traditional. Women should come home to a home cooked and allow the man to make all the meals and do the laundry.

6) The wife should pay 95% of the bills. Women are now more independent compared to women 50 years ago. As men, we need to learn from our women. So as men, lets all stick together and push for more stronger independent women by encouraging them to find careers with 6 figure salaries so they can pay all the bills.

7) Allow Freedom. Your spouse does not need to know your work schedule. It is not necessary for your spouse to know what time you will be coming home every night. When you tell your spouse everything, the marriage becomes predictable in which makes the marriage boring.

8). Your children comes first always. This is a big one because some people believe that their spouse comes first. Real shit, if you believe this

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9) Don’t be afraid to try an open marriage. Make sure to talk about protection, remain flexible, and don’t treat your secondary partner like a second class partner. Sex with the same person get boring

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Most people don’t want to admit it because they are judgmental, refuse to accept the truth, and allow what others think about them affect them in a bad way. Be honest with yourself, you know traditional sex is tedious. Porn is a very helpful factor for marriages. Now I get it, porn is not something that most be should be proud of, I get that, but here me out. The divorce rate in this generation is over 50%. People now are more liberal compare to the people 50 years. Liberals get bored a lot faster than a conservative. A secondary sex partner is better because you don’t have to worry about lying and being sneaky to your partner and your secondary partner will make you appreciate your spouse 10 times more. How many celebrities you know that cheated on their spouse, got caught, but still worked out their problems. If Hillary Clinton still stayed with her husband, then you can too.

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10) Eating requirements. Once dinner is made, you and your spouse should eat at separate times. The wife should eat first, wash her plate in the sink, than the husband eats and wash his plate in the sink. Also make sure that in the summer time you have a powerful AC in the house because both the husband and wife should be clothed as much as possible. Shorts should not be allowed in the house because the more skin that’s visible, the easier it is for the demon of lust will enter your household and destroy your marriage.

Comment below and tell me what it is that your spouse is doing that is putting your marriage at jeopardy so I can provide you with the best solution to avoid a divorce.

How To Have A Good Sex Life In Your Marriage

To have a good sex life in your marriage, I will list about 5 things

  1. Sex should last no more four minutes. If sex last more than four minutes than, it could increase chances of a stroke.
  2. Oral sex should not last longer than five seconds because oral sex is nasty and only for porn stars.
  3. Foreplay is too erotic and could make you neglect your real responsibilities so tongue kissing should not be allowed.
  4.  Sex should only take place when in the bedroom with the doors locked. It should not take place no where else.
  5. Never and I mean never wake your spouse up with oral sex. This will lead to a divorce.

How To Have A Successful First Date?(My method will guarantee a way to avoid a situationship.)

I want to thank all of you for supporting my post “,How To Save Your Marriage?“. I am writing a book and I would encourage you all to buy a copy of my book. Please click on the link to get a preview of the tips I provided about saving marriages.

In this post, I will be providing some of the best first date tips for men. I decided to write this because first dates are very nerve wrecking(especially for a guy that lacks confidence).

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First Date Tips For Men:

  1. Lateness

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Make sure you show up late on the first date. Lateness is the number one way that will guarantee you a second date. Make sure you are at least 30 minutes late. Being on time makes you look like a square and showing up more than 2 minutes early is completely disrespectful.

2. Compliments

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Now you see this meme? This meme is on point. Do not compliment your date whatsoever. You date has received millions of compliments over the years. If you want to stand out and get that second date, the conversation must be serious at all times to let her know you are about business and do not flirt with her whatsoever.

3. Relationships

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At the first date tell your date that you don’t believe in relationships and that this country lives off the principle of freedom of privacy . This means that staying single until you die is the way of life like the circle of life in Lion King. Explain to your date that friendship last longer than relationships. Relationships are complicated and Marriage is suicide. Date for friendship and keep it at that so that way you can see other people and not have to worry about being tied down to one person.

4. Sex

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Now this is for those of you that will not listen to number 3 and will decide to pursue a commitment anyway. For those of you that will listen and apply number 3 to your dating experience, skip to number 5. This don’t apply to you. Now for the rest of you that are hardheaded, this is your backup plan so don’t fuck this up. Lie to your new girlfriend and let her know that you are virgin. Tell her that you plan to wait until marriage. Tell her that no tongue kissing, caressing and holding hands will be allowed until marriage. Women prefer to wait until marriage to have sex and this will let your girlfriend know that you will respect her privacy. Remember that a good relationship is based on lies. When you tell the truth, the relationship will slowly get destroyed like a women’s vagina from having sex with a man with a lot of stamina.

I will upload part 2 in about 2 weeks. Please comment below and tell me if I should write a book. Please for those of you that follow me, please share this with your other fellow bloggers!

How To Save Your Marriage (Part 7)

Don’t let your marriage be destroyed. If your marriage is in danger of separation or divorce, email me at “” to set up an appointment.

My motivation is to help you determine if this workshop is right for your particular situation. I also offer solutions for couples who can’t attend the workshop.

In this post, I will list the top ten things to do to save your marriage.

1) If you are having trouble obtaining an erection during sex, tell your wife ” I’m sorry I am not good enough for you” and kindly ask for a divorce.

2) If your wife tries to get frisky with you in the bedroom, yell at her and tell that you are afraid of seeing her naked because you love her too much to disrespect her.

3) Tell your wife that you strongly suggest that she shouldn’t wear booty shorts, make up, or leggings. Buy your wife sweat pants and pajamas to wear all times because you don’t want your wife to expose her curves.

4) Get your wife in the mood and touch and kiss her and make her feel attractive by giving her all types of compliments. Once your wife gets aroused, put a blind fold on her and tell her you are going to rock her world. Once the blind fold is on her, quietly leave the house and pray that she doesn’t hear you leave and never come back home.

5) For those of you that have an anniversary coming up, tell your wife that for the anniversary, you will take her to see Toy Story 4 to and take her to McDonalds afterwards to save money for the kids.

6) Never give your wife flowers because flowers die fast. For every anniversary that comes up, you and your wife should go on separate vacations and give each other space. Space is the number 1 thing that saved Barack and Michelle Obama’s marriage.

7) If God for bid your wife throws you a surprise birthday party, act like you love the surprise and tell her you love her to play it off. But as soon as she falls asleep later that night, write a long letter explaining how she broke your heart and tell her that you will divorce her and leave the letter under the pillow. Leave the house before she wakes up.

8) Tell your wife that sex is inappropriate and that sex will never take place at all. Let your wife know that she will never know how your penis feels or look like and that if she want children, she must go to a sperm bank.

9) Encourage your wife that it’s okay for married men to get lap dances from strippers as long as they don’t touch the strippers. Tell your wife that on the anniversary, you will go to the strip club.

10) Tell your wife that if she tries to wake you up in the middle of the night by giving you oral sex, tell her that you will call the cops on her.

This is a bonus tip: If you are struggling to keep the fire burning in your marriage and your wife suggest marriage counseling, laugh in her face and print this out and give her the list. If your wife thinks this list is a joke and a waste of time, kindly scream at her “I want a divorce” in Vince McMahon’s voice.

I saved a total of 102 marriages and I have a 86% success rate.

I offer package deals for the summer of 2019 and I will be dropping prices because the summer is when the divorce rate is at its highest. Remember the key thing, the more sex you have in your marriage, the higher chances you have of getting a divorce. Sex is overrated an it poisons the mind to another level.

This year I want to save at least 40 marriages by the end of the year so please share this post with your family and friends so one day I can become famous from this post.

I love you all and God bless your marriage!

How To Save Your Marriage Part 5

I have a book coming in the summer called “How To Be Save Your Marriage”. I have worked hard writing this book and now I finally found a publishing agency that will accept my work and I am so happy right now. When you work hard and remain patient and don’t give up, good things will come.

My book entails 101 tips on what to do and what not to do in order to be a good husband but in this blog I will list 13 main points I focus on in book

1) Calmy explain to your wife that wedding anniversaries are overrated and that its not necessary to celebrate them.

2) Tell your wife since you as a man pay the mortgage, she had to do all the driving.

3) Tell your wife that she can not wake you up in the middle of the night for sex and if she does, you will ask for a divorce.

4) Tell your wife that its not necessary to hold hands in public and that’s only in the dating stage.

5) Tell your wife that you don’t want her to submit because you aren’t her father and you believe in equal rights and she can be head of household.

6) Tell your wife that spending is not necessary because the kids comes first always

7) Tell your wife that she has to only cook for the kids because you will eat at your mother’s house.

8) Tell your wife that your mother comes first and that if your mother need you, you have to be there for her.

9) Tell your wife that you believe oral sex is extremely disrespectful and it should never happen and that foreplay is not necessary.

10) Tell your wife that you and her can’t be naked at the same time in each other’s presence. Hell, she can’t even been seen in bra and panties in your presence and she must go to the bathroom and lock the door to get change.

11) Tell your wife that she must ask you permission at all time before she give you a kiss.

12) Tell your wife that sex will only take place in the bedroom behind close doors only once a year.

13) Tell your wife that you won’t be affectionate around her and that its not necessary to caress her.

These are the key pointers to save any marriage and I wish everybody a prosperous marriage.

Do people really mean it when they say “Take As Long As You Want”?

“Take as long as you want”,

Hmm is this statement overrated?

Even the strongest lungs aren’t perfect.

I know that has nothing to do with this,

but think about it for a minute.

Let your conscience visit for a second

and listen.

When you say “Take as long as you want”

do you really mean it?

Does patience exist forever or does it

began to vanish?

It’s hard to abandon the ones you love

or the ones that mean well and giving it

eveything they got, but

what if it never get better?

Are u going to help that person forever?

Are you going to stay around that person forever?

Do you know anything on this planet that last forever?

Well have you ever written a love letter?

After you written that love letter did you get rejected after?

Your heart just experinced a disaster.

You gave everything you got but it still didn’t get better.

Here are some provided examples:

Imagine as a woman being with a man that can’t obtain an erection.

Its the beginning of a relationship, he gets embrassed, but you work with him to fix.

But it’s almost 2 years and still don’t notice a difference.

Its still the same shit.

He visited a urologist, received cialis, but erections are still non-existent.

So in this case 2 years later, would you still have patience even though you love him?

Would you reminisce the amazing sexual intercourse from you exes?

Would start to wish that your current boyfriend had the confidence like your ex boyfriend?

Your ex-boyfriend calls you, would you reject his call or would you answer it?

Vice versa as man being with a woman that want to pratice abstinence.

She necessarily don’t want to wait before marriage, but she want you to be patient

with sex

since she had really bad experiences in her previous relationships.

Its been 3 years, you know her deepest secrets, she tell you everything about her personal busniess, you seen her in her weakest moments, you wiped the tears,

you always tell her how much you care,

ya hold hands in public, you treat her like a queen in private, you showed her that in this world, they are true gentleman, and no matter how much lust dwells within the hemispheres of your brain, you continue to remain patient agaian and again.

Hell, you barely even had the chance to caress her, and you know sex is something you been wanting to have with her, so you finally approach the idea of sex with her, telling here that you are ready take it to the next level, but she says she still don’t feel comfortable with you to take it to the bedroom, and she need more time.

You say its okay I understand , no problem that’s fine.

But is it really fine or are you lying?

Are you willing to wait 3 more years?

Are you willing to wait 2 more years?

Is this really fair?

Would you abandon the one you love even though you care?

Put yourself in their shoes and ask yourself is this true.

If you gave it everything you got but still wasn’t getting it, would you want that person trying help you abandon you?

Do you know what it feels like to have somebody give up on you?


After reading this poem, I provided some questions for you to think about:

1) How do you truly know that you are ready to have sex with your signficant other? Is being comfortable a good enough reason to have sex or is there more to it?

2) If you boyfriend you have been with for a while, is having a hard time obtaining an erection and he tried everything from visiting the urologist and taking medications but nothing is working, could this affect your relationship?

3) Does being too patient get you hurt in the long run?

4) What is one thing no matter how hard you try that you just couldn’t accomplish?

5) Does hardwork really pay off?

Pick two out of fivethe questions that caught your interest the most and comment below?