Current Relationship

Please click here 1.Writing Prompt Challenge 2.Relationships And Marriage (2 blogs in 1) and you will see a schedule of blogs I have lined up for the next 2 months.

A king is nothing without his queen.

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I’m a king with my queen
but yet I still feel nothing.
Love is there and I love her
and only her,

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but sometimes I feel like
for myself I can do much better.
I really wonder what was going
thru her father’s mind
when he was staring me in the eyes.

I was well alert
but he was studying me
like I was high as a kite.
Does he really feel I am the guy
for his daughter?
That was my thought at first
but I grew up in the church
so I know that only God comes first.
So I respect my queens father
but only God’s opinion matter.
Have you ever felt like
you found love but at the wrong time?

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I say that because I struggle still
trying to make dime.
Family members don’t know what’s in my mind
To them I live a secret life.
You can almost say I am living a double life.
I wonder how did I get into this,
this wasn’t even my fight?
Sometimes to seek happiness, you have to lie,
and most won’t agree
but you won’t understand until you bleed
like I the way bleed.

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Travel through my journey
and some of you will not even last a mile,
but vice versa I won’t last a mile in your journey.
I’m a King with a queen.
I an grateful for the queen
and she is more powerful then me.

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I admire her strength and curiosity.
Though I am not looking to marry
Out of all the girls I dealt with
I would pick her to marry
in a heart beat.

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She is so sweet
but sometimes its hard
because I have shackles on my feet
while chasing freedom
to escape the mental slavery in my mind.
Sometimes I wonder if I die today,
Hardest question to answer is,
did I die happy or miserable?
For those of you reading this
if you feel the powerful emotion
after reading this,
imagine what I have to go through.

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