Learn Not To Make Assumptions

Just because she is nice to you and find you attractive

doesn’t mean she wants to have sex with you.

Just because she is sexually attracted to you

doesn’t mean she has deep feelings for you.

Just because she has deep feelings for you.

doesn’t mean she wants to marry you.

Just because she is independent

does not mean she does not need a man’s protection.

Just because she needs a man’s protection,

doesn’t make her desperate for attention.

Just because she sexually open minded,

doesn’t mean her vagina is open to the public.

Just because he wants sex from you

doesn’t mean he think your gorgeous.

Just because he think your gorgeous,

doesn’t mean he wants a relationship.

Just because he wants he want a relationship,

doesn’t mean he has plans of marrying you.

Just because he shows chivalry towards a woman,

doesn’t mean he is not masculine.

Just because he was raised by a single mother,

doesn’t mean he is not masculine.

Just because he protects women,

doesn’t mean he does not have a weakness.

My Black Queen

I fell in love with her

the moment I Iaid eyes on her

I had a mission

to be in position

to be a king

by her side

I look with my eyes

and see a queen and I must provide

Always promise to protect

She is gorgeous regardless

of her style of clothing

She could wear house sweats

She could wear a Cinderella dress

Hairstyle could be of cornrow braids

Hairstyle could be box braids

Her black beauty have me amazed

Her love have me trapped in a maze

I’ll protect her home with a riffle

I’ll protect her on the street with my fist

I’ll provide her with a spirit from an angel

I’ll provide anything for her like a genie grants a wish

I’ll take her on trips to travel the world

I’ll take her by the hands and show her to the world

Can’t satisfy my wife needs

Sex frightens me
Pussy gives me
the creeps
like its jeepers creepers.
I hate an agreesive chick
but I love a dick teaser.
A dick teasee is like a rollercoaster
because she make my heartpound
but they just tease.
Its all for fun, they mean no harm.
Pussy has never been my good luck charm.
I don’t know what to do with it.
I’m scared as shit.
I can’t obtain an erection and I have trouble finding the hole.
I have a small dick and that I have been told.
If I get married, if my wife want to conceive a child, she has to go to a sperm bank.
I have no ammo in the tank.
Her back, I can’t break.
I can’t put her to sleep, but I do have her leaving the house horny
every morning
and playing with her pussy
while I’m asleep because I can’t satisfy my wife needs.

Do women prefer nice guys or assholes?

Image result for picture of nice guys vs assholes

As a man, have you wondered what goes through a women’s mind when she get approached in public by men?

As a man have you ever wondered if women prefer to have a nice boyfriend or a boyfriend that’s an asshole?

As a man, have you wondered why you constantly get curved or put in the friend zone?

As a man, do you feel like being nice is overrated and women are only attracted to assholes?

What women really want?

Now I can’t give you a straight forward answer regarding if women prefer nice guys or assholes because not all women are the exactly same even though most women have similar wants and needs when it comes to dating. But there are pros and cons to being a nice guy and asshole and I will list a few.

Pros of being a nice guy

  1. Nice guys are always available.
  2. Nice guys are good communicators.
  3. Nice guys are always there to listen when you are depressed and need to get something off your shoulders.
  4. Nice guys will make scarifies and won’t make excuses and will always put his lady first.
  5. Nice guys are always on time.
  6. Nice guys don’t expect anything from a woman except for her to be herself around him

Cons of being a nice guy

  1. Nice guys lack confidence
  2. Nice guys are afraid to speak up when they don’t agree with something so they may lack the ability to protect a woman from harm
  3. Nice guys are sometimes boring because they may always allow the girl to take the lead instead of taking charge.
  4. Nice guys are too available
  5. Nice guys are probably too straight forward and don’t know how to flirt.
  6. Nice guys take too long to make a move or express their feelings.
  7. Since a nice guy lack the characteristic of being in charge, most women will think the ice guy is boring in the bedroom.
  8. Nice guys sometimes are sneaky and aren’t faithful.

Pros of being an asshole

  1. Assholes are more confident compared to the nice guy and women love confidence
  2. Assholes are men that can be fixed and women feel like they can change this type of man because assholes are more challenging and women love challenges.
  3. Assholes are not always available and tend to be available on his own time in which makes him unpredictable and woman love men that are unpredictable.
  4. Assholes are an addiction and this is why women want to be around them more
  5. Assholes are annoying in a good way and know how to make women laugh
  6. Assholes sometimes are nice guys on the inside behind close doors when a woman takes the time to get to know him.
  7. Assholes are dominant and decisive and have a lot leader qualities in which make women more attractive to the asshole.

Cons of being asshole

  1. Assholes can be too arrogant in which could turn most women off
  2. Assholes are good for canceling plans with their significant other last minute to hang out with their boys.
  3. Assholes are very insecure because their past has taught them that being too passive and letting other people take advantage of their kindness and letting people steal the spotlight from them, makes them jealous so they always have to be center of the attention.
  4. Asshole have too much pride and don’t know how to apologize or admit when their wrong.
  5. Assholes are only a phase in the beginning. Overall women do get tired with them overtime and learn to appreciate the nice guy.
  6. Assholes do not take their significant other feelings in consideration whatsoever.

What’s my input

Now I can’t give you a straight forward answer because every women thinks and behave differently, but I can only tell you my point of view from my experience. To be honest, I don’t really like hearing the question “Why women prefer assholes over nice guys” because nice guys are not perfect. Nice guys think that being nice is enough to get a girl to catch feelings for him. I meet nice people all the the time and just because someone is nice to me doesn’t automatically assume that I want to invite that person over my house, or hang out with that person. Nice guys have a hard time accepting rejection. Rejection is promised to everybody and rejection is how we learn from our mistakes in order to move forward in life. The main problem with nice guys is that they are trying too hard to make an impression by being extra nice. This leads to unsuccessful results for two reason. When your too nice, most women will take advantage of you and will only be around your presence for financial support and emotional support, or some women will just keep it moving and move on and not waste her time with a nice guy at all so she won’t lead him on. Nice guys are always confused because the nicer they are, the harder it is for someone to tell them the truth because we believe nice people are too sensitive and can’t handle the truth. This is partly the reason why nice guys get a lot of mixed signals.

The assholes are a bit more complicated. Assholes confuse women since they tend to be unpredictable. Women want men that are dominant, decisive, confident, and know how to take charge. Assholes don’t seek validation on rather or not if the girl they are pursuing is interested in them because they know they can get any girl at any given time. Assholes know how to make a good time out of anything. Assholes know how to keep the conversation interesting. Assholes tend to be more experienced with women. Assholes actually tend to be goodhearted and sensitive people behind close doors when you take the time to get know them. But at the same time, assholes are only a phase because assholes are very insecure people when you get to know them. Assholes can be very impolite. Assholes are not capable of making the sacrifices and effort to be committed to a relationship. Overall an asshole make his girlfriend feel lonely because he tend to neglect her needs and not care about what’s on her mind. So overall an asshole can actually make a woman appreciate a nice man so much more since assholes tend to be toxic men.

So overall there are pros and cons to being a nice guy and a asshole. Nice men need to understand that being nice is not enough for a woman to catch for feelings. Nice guy need to know that when they are pursuing women, they need to focus on what they like, don’t like and speak up when they don’t agree with something. Don’t worry about making mistakes and if you want it impress any woman, just be yourself by focusing and demonstrating your positive characteristics towards the woman you are pursuing. Stop worrying about why women prefer assholes. If a woman is not interested in who you are as a person and rather be with somebody else, than that’s her problem. For assholes, remember that your personality can make some women interested being around, but it takes effort and scarifies to keep her around and don’t forget that. It’s okay to be dominant and in control because I get it, you don’t want to seem like a pushover, but remember to be respectful always and respect come first always. Stop letting your pride get in the way because a lot you assholes are so concerned about impressing your friends by being a asshole to your girl because you care more about what your friends think than what you or your girlfriend thinks. If you keep treating your girl like a second option, she will eventually leave you for somebody else that will treat her like a priority and you’ll never see it coming. Once she leaves, it will be too late to get her back(in most cases) and your friends will not give you the support that you need.

Image result for Nice guys over assholes art

Discussion Questions

  1. The meme I posted above, do you agree with this?
  2. Is there anything in this post that you disagree with?
  3. I talked about nice men and asshole men, would you like me to do a follow up and take about nice women and asshole women?
  4. Do you believe that women wanting an asshole is only a phase or do you think that women will always prefer the asshole over the nice guy?
  5. Do you think there is any situations where nice guy finish first?

Should Women Pursue Men?

 Should Women Start Approaching Men?



The dating environment have changed drastically over the years. Just like technology, the speed of relationships advances at a fast pace as time is moving by every second of the day. On social media, I heard seen many men post on their social media accounts stating that they believe that women should pursue men that they are interested in or have an attraction for.



To be honest, I think women should approach a man that she in interested in, rather than waiting for him to wait for him to make the first move. I can’t speak for all men, but somebody like myself likes a woman with confidence. I think it’s very appealing when a women pursue for something that she wants. This demonstrates confidence and independence.  I will stop it here since I don’t want to be long winded so I have listed some questions at the end of the post for you to answer in my comment section because I am interested in hearing your opinion.




  1. What’s your opinion on women making the first move and approaching men?
  2. As far as women making the first move, does this make women look desperate?
  3. Why do you think most men prefer women to make the first move?
  4. If women was to approach men instead of wanting for men to make the first move, do you think women would actually date the men that they want, instead of responding to the men that want them?




A Story of How I Almost Gave Up

Late night, reminiscing of times before I knew you exist.
I came a very very long way, lessons I will never forget.
Painful moments was regrets, but eventually turned to lessons.
I know more now compared to back then, but still have unanswered questions.
Life is short like abbreviations, a fast paced world as my mind advances.
Lives are the doors and over the years I walked from door to door.
I was a salesman that knocked on them, usually the door remained closed or only opened for a few seconds.
A lot of rejections and even though that comes with the business of being a salesmen,
my confidence, I started to question.
Feet was tired from walking, sweet honest words I was tired of speaking.
Even though I was selling a dream, I wasn’t robbing them for money, I was stealing their attention, trying to give them the whole world in a moment.
But yet I was failing, usually by landslide, but at times I came close to passing.
The closer I came to passing,  the more I complained when I faced rejection.
So I know a heartbreak probably hurts 10 times more when breakups happen so close to the wedding.
Still a lot more attractive houses left, but I took a break and rested my feet.
I changed my approach and use devil techniques.
I did whatever it took to satisfy my needs.
Lies wasn’t something I was proud of but I wanted to satisfy my needs by any means.
So because I focused on the currency, telling them what they wanna hear was the cheat.
I did get better results, needs was satisfied, but yet why did success feel overrated?
Was it because I was cheating?
At first I thought hard work was overrated, but quickly learned success is overrated 
when you make it through life by cheating.
So I was a robot going through the process, I become emotionless.
But then I found your door, knocked on it, and it was wide open.
I thought to myself, maybe I’m a just fool trying to impress another person 
or your the fool that’s a victim of a selfish man requirement.
But what was different was I was invited in and now it’s  two years later and still haven’t left.
I’m nice and comfortable and got a tour of the inside.
The furniture and decorations, now this is love at first sight.
The door is closed behind me, but the key to the outside still visible upon my eye sight.
I don’t know what’s the best decision to make now for a better future,
but all of my rejections was previous lessons that made me much wiser.
Now the key that’s visible, you can unlock the door and let me back out
Or we  can dwell together in this house forever.
I hope you make the right decision after reading this letter,
And if you do, I promise you to give you the world in every moment, forever.

For Relationships/Marriages

Below I have three questions for everybody that’s in a relationship or married. The first 2 questions were asked by my girlfriend and I liked these thought provoking questions.

If you were single and had one shot left at love would you choose your Ex at least knowing who you’re dealing with or gamble and pick a “Next”, a person who could be better or worse than the last situation?

What are topics between us that you think would be difficult to bring up or talk about with each other? Us specifically or between couples?

If you just started dating somebody, is necessary to speak to your significant other on the phone everday? Also could you be in a relationship with somebody that rather text than speak on the phone?

Pick one question out of the three that caught your interest and comment below your answer!

Valentine’s Day Poem

Watch this video first before reading the rest of this post! This is a good video to watch on Valentine’s Day!

This one is for all the bloggers on wordpress. I dedicate this poem to every blogger because it takes hardwork ,dedication, passion to blog. Blogging by any means is not easy. Staying up late night, thinking of ways to improve your blog, figuring out how to relate to bloggers, trying to be creative. Some of you may relate, but blogging can be an addiction when trying so hard relating to others. Comparing to other blogs and feeling like your blog isn’t good enough. Sometimes you want to give up blogging. Or you could be in the position where blogging is the only time you feel at peace because you are depressed in life. I read a lot of depressing, heartbroken blogs. To those of you that are miserable in life but still continue to blog, keep writing because I am here to support and provide feedback and I love your work. Never be afraid to express yourself because I always love to hear what’s in a person mind and heart. For those of you that know me, Ya know I don’t give a fuck, I wrote some of the darkest shit such as rape, murder, suicide, heartbreaks, perverted shit, sex poems, poverty, rage, and hate. I won’t lie to you, my dark poems is reality. This is the stuff that goes on in my head but you know what though, I’m not afraid to talk about it because no matter how hard my life gets, I love God and when I think of Valentine’s Day, I think of God. God is more powerful than anything.

The lord is love

Power from above

Is enough

And more powerful

than 1000 hugs.

I almost shed tears

When seeking 2 love birds


On my WordPress

Madly in love.

Marriage and relationships

Is always tough.

Times get rough.

Arguments are always guaranteed.

Sometimes we don’t always think

Before we speak.

We hurt feelings

We cause problems

But only a few create solutions

Solutions rise above

And problems fall at the bottom.

Prior to 2018,

I never gave a fuck about Valentine’s Day

But I am more mature today.

Valentine’s Day is not about money and materialistic things.

It’s about celebrating friends and family.

I am not affectionate

but I have a girlfriend and I love her dearly.

After viewing some of the lovely Valentine’s day posts

About spouses and significant others

I just want to tell Tiffanee

That I love her dearly.

I will do whatever I got to do

To protect her from everything.

I know that sounds impossible

I will damn sure make the impossible, possible.

I love you and I always will.

For my long term bloggers that been following me

Since day 1,

You know that I write some very dark shit.
I admit my mind can travel in dark places

And I can get very personal

But I have a big heart

And I love each and every one of you

For supporting me.

Ya give me the strength to write.

Ya give me the strength to fight.

Ya give me the strength to be a better poet.

Ya give me the strength to expose dark places.

In my mind.

I’m one of a kind

And one day when I shine

I will never forget my followers.

Each and every one of you deserves flowers.

For my male followers that have wives/girlfriends,

Treat your lady like

The way you want your daughter to be treated.

Protect her and be a leader and provider.

Tell her why you fell in love with her.

Tell her that you will always love her.

For my female followers that have husbands/boyfriends

Treat your man like

How you want your son to be treated.

Support him and appreciate him for being a provider.

Being a man that’s a provider and protector

Is a big responsibility

so be his helper and help him lead.

To all the single people,

Love don’t come from a relationship.

Love is provided to from Jesus

A significant other is not needed

For happiness.

I want single women to love themselves

And impress and spoil themselves.

Stop settling for situationships

From men that use devious tactics

And false disguises

Pretending to have feelings

when in reality treat your vagina

like an inmate that’s state property.

I want single men

To not let women with extreme high standards

Make you feel less like a man.

You are a man

And focus on your plan.

Don’t let pussy be a distraction

And stop letting women trick you into tricking

If you and her are not committed.

Because money attracts

But true love slowly contracts

The love that gives roots towards evil

True love is plentiful.

To everybody reading this

God bless you

And I love you!

My next post will be poem called “My Seductive Next Door Neighbor” and I looking to upload this by Sunday or Monday

How To Get A Good Wife

On my previous post, A blogger commented on my post and gave me this blog topic to write about. I thought this was a good topic to write about. I am grateful for her comment and if she happens to read this, I just want to say thank you for reading my previous post and giving me this idea.
This brief post is about how a man can get a good wife, how to make himself more attractive to attract a good woman to marry, and things to consider before he marries a good woman.
Before choosing a wife, men must understand that women are different. The way you talk and act around your friends, will not be the same way you talk and act around your wife. Sometimes men focus on visual things such as sex and physical beauty. Now physical beauty and sex is somewhat important but that should not the highest pritiory when engaging in a long term relationship that could lead to marriage.
So I’m going to list a few things to take into consideration before making your girlfriend become your wife.
1) Does she really love you?
Actions speak louder than words. A good wife is going to accept you for who you are and she is not going to try and change your personality. Now there is no problem at all for a wife trying to get her husband to try out new things and be outgoing but at the same time, she should accept him and love him for who he is.
2) Is she educated?
Now as far as education, she doesn’t have to have a PHD. Hell to be honest, she doesn’t need to have a bachelor’s degree but at least marry a woman that is versatile and can speak to you about various topics. Also want to marry a woman that has goals and ambition. Marry somebody that you can learn from. So another words even though I recommend a college degree, you don’t need a college degree to be successful and intelligent.
3) Does she have good upbringing?
Before you marry your girlfriend, make sure she has manners. Don’t marry somebody that is rude and has a temper. When she is around her family, pay close attention to how she interacts with her family. She should be polite and respectful towards her parents. Also as well, pay close attention to how her family interacts with you as well because when you marry the woman of your dreams, in a way you are marrying her family because you are going to be around with her family as well.
4) Present yourself and be a leader?
Be your own man and make mature decisions. Be responsible. Don’t be afraid to speak up. Don’t be oblivious towards your surroundings. A good woman that wants to be a good wife to a good husband wants to marry a man that makes her feels safe. A good woman don’t want to marry a little ass boy. A good woman want to marry a man that’s dominant and know how to take charge. Now I’m going to break down being dominant and being in charge. Being in charge don’t mean that you boss your wife around and treat her like a little girl. You don’t criticize or belittle your wife. You don’t ignore her opinions when you and your girlfriend are having a disagreement. Also a good husband should never have to tell his wife ” I’m the one in charge and I’m the head” because a real leader takes charge naturally and he does it in a healthy way. A man shall let his wife have her freedom, not treat her like a prisoner. A good man takes charge by protecting his lady and making her feel safe and appreciate her for supporting him. A good man should love and find joy providing for his wife but also make sure to marry a woman that is not afraid and also can provide as well.

I could of add more but I’ll end it here. If you want, you can comment below if you got annything to add.