The Life experiences that helped me to grow

In life, you cannot know everything. The beauty of life is that it is not constant in which life always gives you the space to grow into something better and have memories that you can talk about with your grandkids. In order to grow you have to step out of your comfort zone in order to live through accomplishing your dreams. I am going to list two experiences that helped me to grow the most in life.

#1:My parents divorced:

My parents divorced when I was eight years old. It was a very fast paced, yet frustrating experience.
At that time in my fragile little mind, I thought the world was unfair because all of my other friends parents 
were together. This experience helped me to grow because this was the experience that took my innocence away. 
I started to understand the true meaning of struggle in this world. It was harder for me to focus on school, it 
was harder for me to adjust to a different lifestyle such as being in a different neighborhood and making new friends. 
This experience was the most important experience that enhanced my growth.
Once I became 10 years old, I learned that change is constant and at times you will have no choice but to adjust.

#2: Quitting my fulltime job in 2017 to go back to finish my bachelor’s degree:

This was another important life experience for me. In 2013, I dropped out of Farmingdale State College 
to work full time doing construction. I was an electrical apprentice. 
This was probably the worst decision I could possibly made in my life.I hate my fulltime job. 
Imagine working at job fulltime that you hate for four years. 
I knew since the first week that this job was not for me. 
I became complacent and accepted the fact that I need this job for fulltime benefits. 
I would get up at 4:30AM everyday, to get on the 5:30AM train for 5 days a week and had school twice a week. 
My work schedule was 7:00AM -2:30 PM Monday — Friday.
On top of that apprentices are required to go to school.
On Wednesdays, I had school from 4:00PM — 6:00PM, on Thursdays I had school from 5:00PM — 8:30PM
So to break this down even more, on Wednesdays I would wake up at 4:30AM and would not get home until 
7:30PM at night due to the fact I had to take the train. 
On Thursdays, I would not get home until after 10:00PM
So imagine on Thursdays that you had to get up 
at 4:30AM and not getting home until 10:00PM at night and having to get 4:30AM on Friday to get to work.
On top of that, some of the foreman’s I worked for would try to pressure 
me to do overtime. 
Basically, this job consumed me. From August 2013 — May 2017, my life was a blur do to the fact that I barley remember anything outside of work during this time period.
I wish it was as easy as doing what you love to make money. 
I wish it was as easy as when they told me as a child that I could be anything that I put my mind into. 
But sometimes you will be in a rock and a hard place and have to take a job in order to support yourself. 
I took this fulltime job in 2013 because I was not motivated for school at the time. 
I just did enough to past my classes. The major I took at Farmingdale State College was Computer Information Systems. 
I was told that it would be 
very hard for me to get a job in the tech field. 
I allowed this to get into my head so when I saw an opportunity for a fulltime job with benefits during the Summer of 2013, I took a an escape from
school thinking I had found a better opportunity, but all I did was dig my myself into a hole in which to this day, I am still trying to climb out of.
I grew from this because 
I learned to never be loyal to a company, never let know one pressure you to take a job you are not 100% sure that you want to do, and to always put your mental health first.

This is only part 1. Within the coming weeks, I will continue this and write a part 2. 

Should I Go To A Open Mic?

I remember last year around this time,
had dreams of making you mine
but underconfident I couldn’t reach the finish line
because I didn’t have a dime.
No joke when your on the decline.
Barely food for dinner.
Cold during the winter
People mistaken me for a drug addict
People mistaken me for an alcoholic.
Everything is part of God’s plan,
and I felt like hell was my destination
but still kept the bible in my hand.
It wasn’t easy as man.
How do you thank Jesus
when searching for scraps
in trash cans?
Just couldn’t give up
Becoming inpatient
until I saw your face.
You felt sorry for me
and gave me a plate food
to stuff my skinny face.
You walked past
and visited everyday
In the alley by the fire escape
to drop off food
which gradually put
me in a better mood.
Vienna Sausage and soup.
So we began to converse
and I learned you
was a registered nurse.
I told you I write poetry
and short stories.
Your face lit up
because you love poetry.
You asked me to recite a poem

“I feel like an airship
high and mighty
but I am a sinking ship
just forever drowning
I feel like an African King
ruling my kingdom
side by side with my lovely queen
but I am slave, a peasant,
body worn down
from building tall pyramids.
I feel like a pastor
preaching to the congregation
on Easter,
making people in believers
but I am a hypocrite
for telling civilians
that walk by me to follow Jesus
since the skin my body
is dirty.
I feel like I’m dwelling in heaven
but this morning I almost committed suicide.
I feel like I have all the answers
but I have so many answered questions.
I feel like the devil is a liar
but he told Eve the truth
about the tree of knowledge
of good and evil.
I feel like a black hero
saving my people
but I feel like a false king
like Scar
waiting for judgment day
when the lake of fire
burns my face.
All men created equal
In a world
that so vile and diabolical.
These thoughts have me suicidal
but for some reason I refuse to.”

You are just speechless.
You believe that poem is unique
and you love the way I speak.
You say you will take me
to open Mic at the poetry club
next week.
Should I go to a open mic
next week?
Comment below if you think I should go to a open mic?
God bless all my followers and comment below is there a topic that interest you that you would like me to wrtie a poem about and I will upload it starting in July.

Don’t Believe It When She Says “I’m Done With Him”

Ever felt like you was getting somewhere because you proved to her that you actually care?
You was the very select few that took heed and gave her advice on the hardships of life.
You heard her pain and cries,
Her whining about why can’t I  find the right guy.
Sick and tired of her complaining about the same no good guy.
He doesn’t  take the effort to communicate like you do
He doesn’t  appreciate her like the way you do.
All he does to her is just aggravate.
You wanna steal her away but you just sit back and play it safe.
Patience is the key to paradise, but what seems too good to be true is just a disguise.
As usual minding your business but she getting you involved  in her drama scene as if your a eye witness.
Telling all her business about the same daily bullshit,
but this time she says , I’m fed up I’m done with this and I’m done with him.
Now you reading her text  with a slight grin while scratching the hair on your chin.
So bad you wanna invite her over and smash, but you remain a true friend.
Cheer her up and tell her she deserves better.
From here on out the weather only gets  better.
For every rainstorm after  will be a  rainbow and some sunlight.
You treat her like a plant and you provide her the sunlight to her mind to mentally prepare her and help her grow in life.
We all suppose to put the childish things away and move on with our life that God provide.
You telling her the nice things she likes to hear  to make her smile for a while.
She doesn’t  completely  forget the pain from the past but she says you making her feel better.
You and her become cohesive like  bread and peanut butter.
You really start to think  she is unique among the others.
You admire the her  beauty spiritually  like a  romeo Juliet love letter.
As far as all the others, the thought patterns on your brain she’s  the only one that can relate.

Enough time pass and now want to take her out on a date.
It’s been 2 months, you gave her plenty of space
You believe it’s  the right time and place.
Besides you and her speak every hour of the day.
Now a week before Valentine’s  Day, the day you don’t  even care for, you want to take her to a nice place;an actual real date.
It’s 10 AM  she text Good Morning 😘, how you sleep you know the regular.
As usual, you being charming filling her her heart with laughter.
Now day goes by and it’s  night time.
Now you think it’s your time to shine  like a Jack O lantern’s eye.
You both text each other at the same time “I got something to ask you”
You text “You go first”.
She  says ” I’m  going to away next on a cruise”
You say ” Oh nice that’s  wassup you going on a  family cruise”
She say”No”
You say” Oh okay, well who’s going with you?”
She says” The guy I  use to complain about”
You say ” You’re ex boo😮?”
She says”  Yes with the 😸emoji ” now you wanna black out.
You say” okay wow”
She says” he proposed to me , 💍 he brought me a ring. I’m not ready to get married but I  do feel so happy.”
You ask” Do you love him?”
She says” Yes 🤐
You say” I’m happy for you 😊 and I  wish the best but just quick question and you don’t have to answer it, but I  thought you was done with him😕
She says” Yeah at the time I  was done with him but he just came out of nowhere and we been talking for 2 weeks. He’s been communicating  and he is constantly changing. I will go on the cruise and see where this leads him and me but nothing is guarantee ”
You say” okay interesting”
She says”Yeah”
So now you realize that these hoes  ain’t loyal as you drinking cold beer. Don’t always trust and believe what your hear

Don’t Worry; The Person Next To You Is Flawed Too

I dedicate this story/poem to K E Garland. She wanted me to write a poem about  “Don’t worry; the person next to you is flawed too”  and if she is reading this, I just want to let her know that it was a pleasure writing a story/poem about this topic and I find this topic to be very relatable in life. She picked a great topic for me to write about and I hope you enjoy reading this topic.


This is a story in poetry format in which will discuss a young man who is very under confident and feels like he didn’t accomplish anything in life. As you read this story, you will learn an important lesson  that can help your children

The following characters in this story

David: 27 year old man with a very pessmistic view on life, but yet a  very talented individual and a lot of people see greatness in him but he can’t see it in himself.

Michael: David’s guardian angel and his purpose is to guide David and show David how to take control of his life

Nigel: A famous athlete, but had dreams of becoming a poet as a youth



The Story Begins

Act 1:

Michael: I understand you don’t want to put people beneath but never put people above you:

David: But you don’t understand  I’m placed in a situation where it’s hard to be a man.
You say I have to follow God’s plan?

Michael: God is the way. God will protect you and keep you safe. All you have to do is pray.

David: That’s easy for you too say.
You haven’t walked a mile in my shoes,
you already made perfect, you have nothing to loose.
How can I keep my cool?
I feel like such a fool
You say the bible is a tool
but yet Satan is on the loose.
I’m a grown man still living at home.
I’m a nice guy but I am alone.
I get booed on stage
when I recite a poem
I have critters on my face
I’m broke and I have to pay
student loans.
All my friends are gone.
I haven’t had sex in years
I’m addicted to porn.
My eyes release tears
for being miserable
for so long.

Michael: Hop in the magic cloud
Let me  show you something!

David: Where you taking me?

Michael: I’m taking you to a visit
the penitentiary.

(Michael takes David to prison in spirit in his magic cloud)



Michael: What do you see?

David: I see a riot
and it looks so violent

(Michael takes David to one of the visiting stations)

Michael: Now what do you see?

David: I see a man
staring at the glass window crying
talking with his family
over the phone
saying he is never coming home.
Telling his wife and kids to
move on.

(Michael shows David the next visiting station)

Michael: Now what do you see?

David: I see man staring through the glass
talking to his family
wishing he would of change the past

(Michael now takes David to the cemetery with just the snap of his finger)


David: Wait where are we?

Michael: We are at the cemetery?

David: Wait why are we here?

Michael: To show you that with your negative
thinking you will end up here.

David: But wait, isn’t everybody
going to end up here?

Michael: Correct all humans will face death
and it’s not much time life.
but you said you believe in Jesus
Christ right?

David: Right!

Michael: The bible says leave your worries to God
and let God handle your problems.
You can’t solve them
so just let God solve them.
I took you to prison
to expose to you
that somebody has it worst than you.
Yes you don’t have a job
but you have your health
You don’t have a perfect face
but your smile is what
make people melt.
You have gotten booed on stage
but you have the voice
that can heal a person
at any place.
Maybe you should
stop watching adult films
and use your tongue
to say Grace
for the food that the Lord put
on your plate.
For thanksgiving
you had mash potatoes,
cornbread, Mac n cheese
string beans and chicken.
In prison the inmates
had tuna fish on
white bread
a brownie,
salad and
chocolate milk
The food was so spoiled
it’s a plague that
can kill.
Half the inmates
caught a stomach virus
A few ended up
Here’s the kicker
Half of them
we’re innocent
Now men token
away from their children.
Imagine your Father
died in prison
on Thanksgiving.
Remember this
in order to make it
to heaven
you will get tested
You suffer
but if you reach to
You will have eternal life forever.
Here let me show you
Hop back in the cloud!

(Michael takes David to a mansion)

David: Where are now?

Michael: In the mansion of a millionaire

David: Why, this looks so nice
There’s also a waterfall outside
A statue in the front
Each room with multiple bed bunks
A staircase in the living room
A staircase in the kitchen
Damn I thought a staircase
in the kitchen
only existed in  sitcoms.
Oh wow look,
in his bedroom
he has a intercom.
This is a beautiful house
I bet you the owner
of this house
is happy
like Danny Taner
on full house

(A male celebrity enters the mansion)

David: What’s he doing?

Michael: Just watch and see

Nigel: Lord please forgive me
for not following my dreams
The fans scream
but everyday in the mirror
I scream.
I wasn’ t strong enough
to say no to peer pressure
Now the sweat my forehead
gets colder
and I’m won’t be getting
much older.
I wanted to be poet
but my dad, high school coach,
and friends said football
was my calling.
I am talented becuase of
my size
but my words were
the gift of life
and each line
represented  a sercet prize,
the secret of eternal life
since I was doing
what made me happy.
But now sadly
I have human
Immunodeficiency  virus
for having sex unprotected.
My mom warned me
and I didn’t listen.
Since I had money,
a unwanted pregnacy
didn’t scare me.
But I wasn’ t thinking about HIV.
I’m already paying child support
I play a dangerous sport
for a living
and now I’m about to go broke.
I can’t afford this mansion,
child support, and the medicine.
This is incredulous.
The groupies are so devilish.
I should of married my high school
but I cheated and broke her heart.
She is now happily married
and she has a  large beauitful family.           I have this mansion and it’s empty.    Damn lord please forgive me for thinking of suicide

Michael: You see young man
just because somebody is bigger than you,
have more money than you,
get more girls than you,
smile more than you,
don’t make them better than you.
Now yes you are no better than
nobody else but
nobody is better than you.
Don’t worry because the person
next to you is flawed too.
I can show you how to
be in a better mood
but it’s all up to you.
Put your life in the lords hands
and say that today
you will put childish things away
and become a man.

David: Today I will put childish things away and become a man.
I will follow the lord’ s plan.
Poetry is my calling
and I am blessed to have a ceiling.
Lord yes I need healing
Yes lord

Michael: Say Amen!

David: Amen!

Michael: Do you know this celebrity?

David: He looks familiar but no not really

Michael: This is Nigel Banks
your high classmate
5ft 11 stocky
Popular and ladies loved him
with caramel complexion
Waves in his hair.
Remember he beat you up
for not letting him cheat
Remember he use to make
fun of you
when you use to speak.
Remember he pushed
you down the stairs.
Remember he use to
make fun of your nappy hair.
Look at him now.
His life is crashing to
the ground.
When he scored a touchdown
never thank God.
When he signed autographs
never thank God.
When he wanted to pursue poetry
instead of playing football
never prayed to God
Now he is going to break his mom’s
heart with the bad news.
You lacking faith don’t just affect you
but all the loved ones around you.
Since high school Nigel always been miserable.
Remember young man
Don’t worry because the person
next to you is flawed too.

Questions to think about 

1) Do you think it’s easy to accept yourself for the way you are, when you are constantly rejected over and over?

2) Do you believe in karma?

3) Would you rather be extremely under confident or extremely argorant?

4) What two words would you use to describe why the world is unfair?

5) The  person that gives the best advice always practice what they preach, true or false?

6) Are people with opstmitic thinking trustworthy?

7) Are people with pessimistic thinking born that way or do you think something bad happen  or someone hurt their feelings in which destroyed their confidence?

8) Can you still be happy in life if you don’t follow your dreams?

9) Can you still be miserable even if you are following your dreams?

10) Are you following your dreams or are you pursuing a career that your parents pressured you to do?

Let’s Read This Story And Pick A Letter At The End

I really really need your help please read and give me an answer!

As a hardworking man
It’s Saturday, I can relax
I brought bubbles
and time to take bath
but unfortunately
interpreted by my dad.
He wants me
to do chores.
I have to wash dishes
and mop the kitchen floor.
He tells me that
in his deep voice,
then he closes the door.
When it comes to chores,
I get bored.
My own place
I wish I can afford it
Cleaned the dishes
and I just mopped the floor
I go to my dad’s room
to open the door
to see him banging
some whore.
I could barely see the whore
since she is under
the covers
and my dad is on top
of her.
Then he screams and
says “why don’t you knock”
As I watch the whore move
under the covers
to suck his cock
and my dad says
“Can you go the store
and buy some condoms?
I said “Can I take a bath first?”
He says” You can do that later, you don’t
have to go to work”
So I walk to the store
and brought magnums
like an obedient son
plus a pack of gum.
I come back to the house
and go to his room
and I saw a dead mouse
on the floor
behind the door.
My dad says “Son
can you pick up
that dead mouse on the floor? “
I said “Why can’t you do it?”
as I hand him the condoms “
He says
“Boy are you stupid
how dare you talk to
me like this, apologize
for talking to me like this!”
I apologize to him
He accepts and says
“Your dismissed!”
So I get fed up and call
mom and tell her that
dad is sick
and need to go
to the hospital.
But I was planning
to get my dad in trouble
and expose him for cheating
Mom wasn’t suppose be home
for another 3 hours
but because of me
she will be home at this hour.
45 minutes later she walks in the house
knocks on the door
and yells
“Howard, Howard!”
The door was locked
which was confusing
to my mom.
But I know my dad
was having some fun
getting his groove on.
He opened the door
and went inside
and I’m like
yes my dad is about
to die
and he getting kicked
out tonight.
But for some strange reason
she went inside the room
and I didn’t hear any
shouting or screaming.
I went by the door
and I didn’t hear nothing.
Then all of a sudden
I heard moaning
from three voices
I’m like this is atrocious
My dad and my mom
is having a threesome.
I then tripped over my
shoelaces and turned the knob
and bust the door open.
I fell on the floor and I was embarrassed
and so were they.
Thus is a crazy Saturday
I saw my mom riding my
dad’s face.
Now I realized I need my own space.
They looked at me mad as shit and said
“Boy I’m going
to beat your ass!”
Then I heard a laugh
and it came from under the covers
and it was the whore laughing
saying “Daddy your big, you need
a bigger rubber unlike my boyfriend, he small  and  a lousy lover”
Then the whore came out
under the covers
looked at me and screamed.
I shouted ” Elizabeth!”
My parents were having a threesome
with my girlfriend.
So there you have it
as I was in tears speaking
to my therapist
reminiscing about my girlfriend
having a threesome
with my parents

Lol if you was the therapist how would you respond?

A) You would laugh at him

B) You would say, can I get a turn with you mom/ dad  rather if your a male or females reading

C) You would quit and find another profession because this story is too much to handle

D) Or would pretend to be listening but actually  be  asleep then wake suddenly right as he finishes his story and say “I’m sorry you were saying something?”

I Will Never Forget My 25th Birthday (Part 1)

I just want to let you know that  tomorrow at 6AM, I will be uploading a Christmas poem so make sure to check that out. On Monday December 3, I will upload the answers to the riddle I posted yesterday Who Can Solve This Riddle? and it’s an interesting riddle. For those you that watched Nickelodeon as kid, you might be able to solve my riddle.  I just want to thank all of my followers and God bless you all.  Before reading my story, I will advise for the ones that don’t know me to read Who Am I? to understand what type of person that  I am and I think that will help you make sense of this story. If you have any questions about the story below please comment below



I will never forget my 25th birthday. 2014 – 2015 I was going through depression. In October 2014, was the first time I got my feelings hurt and went through serve depression and it was over a girl I use to date. But I might as well start from the beginning and this is a long blog just to give you a warning.
Now in October 2014, that was the year that I had lost my great grandmother and also the year that I have lost the love of my love. Now I will admit, it was mostly my fault in which why things ended between us but I had good reasons into which why I broke up with her. 1) because I didn’t want to get her pregnant and 2) I felt like like she wasn’t really into to me like she said she was. So anyway to continue, we broke up but remained friends. While we remained friends, I still had strong feelings for and deep down wanted to be with her but still was satisfied with being friends with her. Throughout the friendship from December 2014 until July 2015, I received nothing but mixed signals from this girl. At first I feel like she wanted to be with me, but then on other days I felt like she wanted nothing to do with me. I am going to talk about all the bullshit I went through for 7 months.
In December 2014 me and my ex was texting. Now my dad told me that he was going away for 3 weeks. So I told my ex, I am happy because I will have the house to myself for 3 weeks. Her exact words were “Nice and you better invite me over to your house”.
I responded “lol nah you can’t”. She responded “Why not lol?” Now at the time I was naive and I thought alright maybe she does wanna come over. So fast forward 2 weeks later on New Years Eve I texted her ” Since you off tomorrow do wanna come over?
She said ” What time?”
I said “At 2, but it don’t matter what time.”
She said “She said well if it don’t matter the time, then I will let you know.” Now in the back off my mind I felt like she didn’t wanna come over because if she really did then she just would of said yes. Next day comes by and I didn’t hear from her. I wished her Happy New Year and she wished me Happy New Year and she never even mentioned come over to my place or anything. So I assumed she was hoping that I didn’t bring it up or hoping I forgot about inviting her over. Even though in the back of my mind I knew she was avoiding coming over to my house, I didn’t make it a big deal though,I let it slide becuase I figured maybe it wasn’t best that we have sex anyway since we just friends.
Fast forward to February 2015, so me and my ex were still friends texting on a regular basis. I wanted to hang out with her before school started in March. So  we were on the phone talking and it was a Sunday. Over the phone, I asked her “Since I’m going back to school soon and I’m gonna be really busy do you wanna hang out this Friday ?” She was hesitant and said “I’ll let you know” So now in my head I’m like wtf like it’s either yes or no you know if you free on Friday or not. So we texted throughout out the week. Now Friday comes and for second I thought about asking her again if she was free for Friday, but then I’m like nah, she said she would let me know so the ball is in her court. So we texted throughout Friday and she never mentioned or got back to me about hanging out for Friday. So now I got a little irritated. So what I did was I purposely waited until two days to bring up the issue. You see, what she was doing was she she says”I’ll let you know” because she really don’t have interest in hanging out with me but she don’t wanna be straight forward she rather string me along. So I decided wait two days because I knew she was hoping I would forget. So two days later which is a Sunday I texted her “You never got back to me about hanging out on Friday” She says ” I was waiting for you to mentioned it” So I said “When I asked you to hang out and you said you let me know” She said”Oh I did, oh I’m so sorry it’s just that I’ve been stressed out this” basically she was giving me bullshit excuses.
Now let’s fast forward to April 2015. I was texting her and I was a little tipsy. She knew I was tipsy so she ask  me do I still have feelings for her. Now I honestly don’t remember what my response to that question was because this happened like three years ago, but one thing that did cross my mind was the fact that as soon as I told her that I was tipsy then she wanna know if I had still had feelings for her. It’s funny because when you tipsy or drunk that’s when the truth comes out. She thought she was slick lol. But anyway this was when the fast and the furious 7 movie came out and I told to her that I plan on seeing fast and the furious movie and your invited if you want to see it. So basically I was leaving it up to her because I was going to see the movie regardless. So she said that she wanted to see it. So I said to her well alright just remind me on Saturday so I won’t forget. I purposely said that to leave the ball in her court because I’m not really trying to chase after nobody too hard. On Saturday surprisingly she texted me ” So we still going to see this movie right?” and I said “yeah “I will pick you up at work.” So I picked her up at work and we go see this movie. The mood was alright for the most part. So after the movie we walking towards my car and I tried to kiss her but she wasn’t feeling the mood. I kissed her for about 5 seconds. I tried to get closer but she stop me, went in the car and closed the door on me. You have no idea how that felt. Like we texted everyday, I was going to church with her family on a regular basis, I would  pick her up from work, and a  week prior she asked me if I still had feelings for her and this is what I get in return. I got pretty pissed off. So on the ride back home it was quiet in the car. I dropped her off home and I was tight. I came to the realization that maybe I should just move on because at this point I felt like there was another guy she was messing with.

I will stop it right here because this is a long story. I know this is confusing and hard to follow and this may seem unorganized but this happened a while ago and I’m trying to remember everything that happened. In case you guys are wondering why I was angry and confused is because throughout the months when my ex and I broke up,  did try to get back with her back in November 2014, but she told me that she needed a break and time to heal because she been heart broken before and I understood that but we agreed that we will remain friends. But as the months went by, I started to think to myself like if she needed time to heal then why are we friends? Either we should just be together or just go our separate ways. I now know that when you  need time to heal from a broken heart you should not remain contact with your ex. For those of you reading this, if you think this is bad, it gets much worst but I will upload the rest of the story next Friday. If any of you are annoyed or pissed off with what was said in this story, I highly recommend you not to read part 2 because it get worst. That’s all I’m gonna say. Part 2 will take place from April 2015 until July 2015 which will lead to my 25th birthday.

A Story About A Couple On Their 5th Date Part 2

I just want to let my followers and others know, that on Monday I will be uploading a poem “How To Please The Ladies”. This poem will demonstrate step by step on how to plan the perfect date for your lady. Be on the look out for that on Monday, November 20th. I just want to thank all my new followers  that followed me  within the last 3 days I want to thank my followers that have been following me since day 1. I wrote this story for you to read and enjoy. I hope you enjoy reading this and I wish everybody a wonderful day.


For those of you that haven’t read part 1, please do so. A Story About A Couple On Their 5th Date  , I just added the link please click and read because it was a funny story with a funny twist at the end and part 2 won’t make any sense if you didn’t read part 1. Please read part 1 first.

The following characters in this poem/story/play

NARRATOR: Story Teller

DAVID: 27 year old man, shy but sometimes have slick comments, a gentleman but known to say stupid things from time to time.

STEPHANIE: 25 year old, lovely lady, sweet like a teddy bear, flirtatious, confident, but known to get moody, says what she means.



Now the story begins


SETTING: David’s room


NARRATOR:  This picked off where part 1 ended and the setting takes at David’s room and things aren’t looking so good for David. Let’s see if this fool could somehow manage to try and get back on Stephanie’s good side or should I say naughty side.

David: You heard what daddy said, assume the position and bend over and take this ….

Narrator: Stephanie slapped the shit out of David!

Stephanie: What the fuck is wrong with you?
The night was perfect. You got me fucked if you think you deserve this  (Stephanie pointed at her p*ssy)

David: Hey, what the the hell, why you slap me for?

Stephanie: It’s bad enough you talking to me like some type of hoe and you got the nerve to brag about your dick being small?
(Stephanie put her panties on and began to put on the rest of her clothes)
I don’t know what’s going on in your world, but in Stephanie’s world, being stupid will get you dismissed.
So goodbye David, enjoy the rest of your night masturbating your small dick

Narrator: Stephanie heads down the stairs all pissed off and David is just stood there speechless in deep thought.
He was thinking of a way to set the mood right.
He didn’t know what to say but he knew  he had to put up a fight or else Stephanie was going to walk out of his life. Truth is, David is in love with Stephanie.
Let’s see what David can do to convince Stephanie to not leave.

SETTING: Outside the front stoop

David: Wait Stephanie,  Stephanie!

Narrator: As Stephanie walks out the front door,  David grabs her by the arm.

Stephanie: Get off me, let go off my fucking arm!
David: Stephanie please just give me a second to explain, I mean no harm .
STEPHANIE: I have gave you  chances, 3 as of matter of fact and you struck out 3 times.
N*gga bye!

DAVID: Wait Stephanie just give me three minutes so I can explain what I said and why!

NARRATOR: Stephanie rolled her eyes and crosses her arms looking all stern

DAVID: Look I get it, what I said was lame
but being lame was not part of the
Now I am here in shame
but I just want to be
on the hall of fame
so let me explain.
No matter what shape or
or size you are, you should
feel confident in your skin
You still feel like a beautiful
woman , no matter what.
Size is appealing, but yet can be
It’s not how much you got
it’s being grateful for what you got
and knowing how to use what you got.
America fought a  two front war.
They had to fight two enemies,
but yet still took victory
because their weapons were nuclear
and they knew when and were to
use it.
The beat of a song is attractive,
but what makes the music beauitful
are the lyrcis
I know I sound delirious,
but I do have a good intentions.
Unlike those other n*ggas,
I am serious and ,
I do  want commitment.
I don’t spoil you with bullshit
My plan is to show you that
I am a man that’s completely honest
Your very attractive,
and your personality is drop dead-
Our chemistry is happy and harmonious
like a church choir.
I’m not liar, so your physical appearance,
well your beautiful, that’s appearant.
Your personality is flawless,
the bad girl type but appear
so innocent.
Smile is so beautiful wanna thank
your dentist.
I like you for who you are
not for what you got.
So try looking at me the
same way I look at you.
Don’t focus on the size
of my cock,
but it’s on me as well
to not bring it up.
Maybe sex is too early
on the 5th date,
so why don’t we wait
and take Steve Harvey’s advice,
so what do you say?

NARRATOR: Stephanie is just beyond speechless, confused beyond the limit. She just  went with what  her emotions told her and kissed David aggressively for a couple of seconds but then realized that she had to go.

STEPHANIE: I got to go David, I just gotta go!

DAVID: Wait Stephanie, Stephanie!

NARRATOR: Stephanie hops in the car and drives away. David just looks with a calm, steady  gaze. He heads back in the house and lay on the living room couch.
He was starting to feel sleepy. Just when he was about to fall asleep, he received a call from Stephanie and he answers

DAVID: Yeah wassup?

STEPHANIE: Yeah think I left my earrings can you check….. wait hold up

NARRATOR:  Stephanie puts the phone down for a moment. She saw the cops driving by and she didn’t want to get a ticket.  Few seconds later she goes back on the phone

STEPHANIE: Sorry about that David, the cops were around me,but yeah can you check your room please for my earrings?

DAVID: Yeah, they right here!

STEPHANIE: Alright I’m coming back to get them.
I text you when I’m in front of your house. Be there in like 2 min.

DAVID: Alright I’ll be waiting.

Side Note: I have two different ways to end part 2. I couldn’t choose so I wrote both endings

 This is ending number 1

NARRATOR: About 1 minute later somebody knocks on the door.
David assumed it was Stephanie  when he opened door but it wasn’t Stephanie at the door.
As soon as David opens the door, he get knocked out and  pistol whipped.

   This was ending number 1


This is ending number 2

NARRATOR: About one minute later David heard someone knocking  hard on the  door.
David assumed it was Stephanie when he opened the door but it wasn’t  Stephanie. It was the police. David looks  so confused right now

DAVID: Hi, can I help you?

POLICE: David, you are under arrest for the crime of rape of Lauren Brown.
(Officer place handcuffs on David)
You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you?

DAVID: Officer there must be a mistake. I don’t know any Lauren!

POLICE: Tell it to the judge




Please comment below and tell me which ending do you like better.  Part 3 will be a prequel to part 1. Part 3 will make sense of everything and there will be a background story in part 3. Part 3 won’t be uploaded until sometime in January


A Story About A Couple On Their 5th Date 

The following characters in this poem/story/play

NARRATOR: Story Teller 

DAVID: 27 year old man, shy but sometimes have slick comments, a gentleman but known to say stupid things from time to time.

STEPAHNIE: 25 Years old, lovely lady, sweet like a teddy bear, flitarious, confident, but known to get moody, says what she means.

WAITER : An old man looking for a paycheck every week 

              Now the story begins

NARRATOR : David and Stephanie met online on Plenty of fish.  One day David decided to ask Stephanie out on a date to see where things lead. The first date, the chemistry was instant. They have been kicking it ever since.  David took Stephanie to Peter Luger to really impress her tonight and this is their 5th date. Well let’s tune in to see how their night is coming along

: Peter Luger

STEPHANIE:   I can’t finish my steak I’m so full but I see you didn’t leave a crumb on your plate.

DAVID:  Well you know I love the taste of a big juicy ass steak. The meat is well done, the sauce just creates a taste in your mouth
and I circle it in my mouth like mouth wash
(Then David looked at his watch)
Damn it’s after 10:00,  my belly about to pop lol.

STEPHANIE: Well you did have a big steak, but don’t worry, your still handsome and in great shape. I need to get back in shape. I’m trying to loose weight. I wanna look how I use to in 2013. You know, David I wouldn’t mind you training me ☺

DAVID: Damn Stephanie, you wouldn’t be able to keep up with me. I’m gonna have you lift weights and turn you into a body building machine. You gonna be looking like Stanley Tookie. Give you the type of treatment like you a rookie on the football team

STEPHANIE: Babe no, I don’t wanna look like a man. I’m a woman. I’m trying to loose weight so I can go back to my old shape. I want my curves to be exposed and I wanna lose my stomach fat. So I’m thinking about doing squats to workout my legs and ass. Lol I see you smiling when I mentioned ass. Damn you so bad.

DAVID: Lol oh nah, I was smiling becuase you sound so movatived. I respect your courage and motivation. Maybe I should have you work out in my basement.  Besides I already love the shape of your ass.  I’m always looking at it when you walk right pass.

(The waiter brought the tab)

Waiter: Would you like any desert?

DAVID: No sir, what about you Stephanie?

STEPHANIE: I’m good thank you honey!

Narrator: David started  blushing because he don’t liked to be called any type of pet name. To him it’s embrassing. So now David pays the tab then him and Stephanie leave the restaurant and they are headed to David’s house.

SETTING: David’s house

DAVID: Just make sure you lock the door behind you.
Take a seat on the couch I have to go to the bathroom real quick

STEPHANIE: Alright make sure you back in a minute Mr. I’m timing you since you said real quick.

NARRATOR: David went to the bathroom to shave real quick.
He took a razor to trim his pubic hair real quick. Then he sprayed some axe around his dick. He wanted to go over and beyond to impress his chick.

DAVID: Yeah I’m definitly feeling it

STEPHANIE: Don’t tell me you already feeling sleepy?

DAVID: Lol, well just a little.

NARRATOR : David went to sit next to Stephanie and she went under his armpits and began to tickle.

DAVID: Lol, ha ha hey what the hell why you ticking me you know I’m ticklish?

STEPHANIE: Oh really babe, I didn’t do anything, I didn’t know you was ticklish.

DAVID: Lol, cut the shit!

STEPHANIE: You have 10 seconds to make me!

NARRATOR: David starts to feel neverous. He’s always been generous but he is 90% confident
that Stephanie wanted to  have sex. He is scratching his head and thinking of a way to get  her to his bed. David just decided to go with the flow and let whatever happens, happen.
So he held Stephanie’ s face in his big hands and he kissed her. She kissed him back and the kissing was passionate. David felt so  fortunate and his erection was obvious poking through his sweat pants. Stephanie too was wet and David noticed as slowly moved his hands inside her leggings. The vagina was wet and he began caressing. Rubbing her clit and she is moaning. They are both extremely horny. Let’s see what  happens next

DAVID: Let’s go upstairs!

STEPHANIE: Yes let’s go already

(David picks her up and carries her upstairs.)

SETTING: David’s bedroom

NARRATOR: David places Stephanie on the edge off the bed. Stephanie reached for his zipper and pulled his dick out  and she can’t wait to put it in her mouth. She slowly jerks him off for a few seconds with her left hand to make him hard to the maximum capacity.  David has a smile on his face and he is happy. Stephanie began to suck aggressively.

DAVID : Oh shit, fuck suck this dick Stephanie!

STEPHANIE: You like that shit daddy?

DAVID: Oh yeah, u sucking the shit out of my dick

STEPHANIE: This is my dick daddy this belongs to me. Now I want you destroy this tight pussy

NARRATOR: David walks to the dresser and grabs the condom. He rolls it on his dick and then slowly insert his dick inside the vagina and begin to penerate.

DAVID: Oh shit, yeah uh uh uh oh shit yeah

STEPHANIE: Yeah papi take charge of this pussy daddy.

DAVID: Who pussy is this?

STEPHANIE: This your pussy Papi!

DAVID: Yeah that’s right, I own this pussy

STEPAHNIE: Yeeessssssss you doooooooo daddy yoouu own this shiiitttttt!


NARRATOR: Stephanie didn’t respond she pretend she didn’t hear him so David repeated  himself.



                      To be continued.

 If you was David, how would you redeem yourself? What would you say to set the mood right again or do you think David messed up too bad and Stephanie should cut his dumb ass off?


Night Before Wedding(In the home girl point of view)

This is part 2 to the story/poem Night Before My Wedding. Please read part 1, before reading part 2. Originally I didn’t plan on writing a series to this poem but one of my followers gave me the encouragement and motivation to write a part 2. I won’t mentioned her name, but if you are reading this, I just want to thank you for your comment on “Night Before My Wedding” blog because it gave me motivation to write a part 2.

Most likely I will write a part 3 and a part 4 but that will take some time because writing a story in poem format is time consuming and it’s a lot of thinking involved. If any of you are interested in reading drama stories, a while ago when I first started blogging,  I wrote 2 stories “Don’t Tell A Soul” and” Hit List”. If you want to read those stories as well, here are the links below

Don’t Tell A Soul(Chapter 1)      

Don’t Tell A Soul(Part 2)   

Don’t Tell A Soul Part 3

Hit List

Hit List (part 2)

I want to thank all my followers that been following me, it’s a blessing and I wish all of you the best and I hope each of you will accomplish your goals and I hope your blogging to will open doors for you. I hope everyone reading this will enjoy reading this poem.


I’m confused and lost in this world.
Always had dreams of being his girl.
But unfortunately he’s taken by another girl.
On the inside I am dying and I started crying.
Every night I been crying myself to sleep
for a year straight.
From the moment he told me he was engaged,
my heart was cut in half, like a knife to a steak.
I wanted to kill his girlfriend and take her place,
but I blame myself for feeling this way.
I remember when I first laid eyes on him, I was only 11.
I was in church and as usual dozing off during the service.
The evangelist asked “Are there any visitors?”
Then I saw him stand up with his mother
and he had a serious face expression just like his mother.
He looked just like mother.
I was curious wondering, where was his father?
So as service continued, I kept staring back at him.
I thought he had gorgeous eyes and cute dimples on his chin.
As I kept staring at him, my mother kept tapping me by the shoulder telling me to  pay attention.
Soon or later, the service finally ended.
So as usual my mother chats up a storm with all the members.
I watched some of the members welcomed him and his mother.
For some reason I just couldn’t stop staring at him.
I’m usually shy but I wanted to get to know him.
So I keep staring at him, then suddenly he looks up and stares back.
Then all of a sudden, I wake up realizing I am dreaming again,
thinking about the past again remembering
when I first laid eyes on him.
I was  born and raised as a Christian
and if I was his wife, I would be submissive
and let him be the head of the household.
I fear I will grow old and alone.
Lack of sex have me feel lonely and moody.
Upset that I don’t have a man pleasing me.
What makes it worst is my sister just texted me this nonsense


It’s the middle of the night and my period just came.
All of a sudden it begins to rain.
I’m so moody and horny and I wish he was on me, sexing me.
I can’t go back to sleep so I’m going to
watch this porno movie,
to imagine that it’s him and me fucking.
When I imaging sexing him,
I like to start from the beginning
like the porno movie.
I picture myself as a housewife
and he is the plumber.
He knocks at my door
and I’m wearing shorts
and light blue blouse.
He says “How you doing?”
I say “Come on in”
We are just staring at each other in silence.
I said fuck it and just paused the porno movie
because it’s too much talking going on.
So I just play music from phone “112 ft Lil
Zane – Anywhere” and imagine him doing me anywhere.
Doing me in car, shower, top of the stairs.
I’m fingering myself to death
when I imagine jerking him off with my left.
I’m fingering myself to death
when I imagine sucking him off until he nuts
and I swallow until there’s no ounce of sperm left.
I’m fingering myself to death
when I imagine myself riding him until he gives me a creampie and he’s has no ounce of sperm left.
I’m fingering myself to death
when I imagine myself telling him I’m Pregnant
and he beats up this pregnancy pussy until we both don’t have any energy left.
I really began to sweat and I feel like I am getting to climax.
I scream really loud like I found my wallet from the lost and found.
But I think to myself what once was lost, can still be found.
So I decided to text him now.
I texted him,
“Follow where your heart takes you and you will forever be happy.”
I just know for a fact he has feelings for me.
Just the way he looks at me and speaks to me,
especially lately.
For the past 2 weeks he been texting me, constantly telling me how he appreciates me.
Earlier at the wedding rehearsal, I said to him
“I never seen you so happy”
He looked at me with a serious blank face expression on his face.
He said” Thanks” with no enthusiasm.
Then surprisingly gave me a kiss on the cheek
and hugged me tightly.
He placed his hands on my lower back and he started to go lower close to my ass but he just stopped.
Can’t lie he go me wet, I wanted to take him to the parking lot.
I started to repeat to myself “What once was lost can be found”.
Should I follow my heart and see what I can find ?
Scratch that should I follow my heart and see what I will find? I think its time for me to get my man.



I did this for her

I’m flawless like rabbit
from 8 mile.
Try not to live foul
but still falling
to the ground.
Got more
moves than
DJ from
Stomp The Yard.
Steal your girl
and bring
her to my yard.
But still miserable
and it’s difficult
like watching
your sister die.
So I know how
it feels to be
like Tariq
running on the cold
snow with your
I feel
like a inmate
on suicide watch
and my brain is
a cell  that’s locked.
So committing suicide
was my plot.
So now escape misery
I think of the dreams
that money could buy.
Money over everything
Is that really a lie?
Does being broke
bring happiness in life?
A rock and a hard place
and I’m in bad shape
so I put a ski  mask
on my face.
Like baby boy
robbing everything
in sight.
Paranoid constantly
looking left and right
like a woman
taking forever at shoprite.
Speaking of forever
I’m robbing the cashier
at forever 21
and cleaning out the register.
I need money  in order
to register for  college.
Trying to live honest
but yet I can’t stop
I’m broke and jobless
like baby boy
and just like a baby boy
except refuse to except
funds from my mother.
I thank God for her
and I love for.
If I get caught robbing
tell the judge
I did this for her.